After a bit of scouting, I finally found an apartment yesterday. I’d left it late – so for a March availability it’s either the ones that no-one else wants…or well, maybe they just aren’t trying very hard (if you're lucky). So I picked one that I might end up bitching about later, but it does have a lot of classic art nouveau add-ons, and I am a sucker for the art nouveau. ... Read the Post...
welcome to lille
Well, I’m slowly finding my feet. They’re slipping about all over the place in the ice and snow and on the endless cobblestones, but my feet are there, nevertheless. And I haven’t gone bottoms down onto the pavement yet either, so I’m pretty proud of myself all in all. ... Read the Post...
all change
Well, I'm on the move again. I've been accepted for my first temping assignment up in Lille, starting Monday. Monsieur, for his part, has two job interviews lined up before Christmas, so if he manages to get himself something before my own placement is over (late February) then Lille is officially our new home. So now I just need to go pack. Again. I move way too often. Merry Christmas all. :) ... Read the Post...
dancing on merlin’s tomb
I lost about half my leisure time stuck in traffic jams over the long weekend. There should be some sort of law against other people wanting to go vaguely in the same direction as me during holiday periods. However, once I finally made it to my seaside destination of Saint Brieuc (Brittany) beach rambles offered up a seafood medley of mussels, oysters and an assortment of hapless crabs that were, much to the chagrin of the local crustacean ... Read the Post...